
Emilio Vieites Aguiar
Eva. Emilio Vieites Aguiar

“The man who dreams becomes a visionary, a mystic, a poet, a prophet, a pioneer, in whom he affirms, in a proud adventurer. He dreams his dream with his eyes open, with a clear vision of reality, with a look that reaches the future, concentrated with intensity and persistence in an idea, in a purpose “.
Manipulations of the organic, 1977. Ree Morton. Gugenhein museum New York.


I was born in Cartagena in 1972 and my interest in nature and science for years became a love for art. And the time passed and I saw a book of photographs about Sierra Leone’s child soldiers, that’s where Gervasio Sánchez was, a national prize with a lot of desire to be in the trench. And that’s how the art collection. “Rojo Sobre Humano ” began, and the paintings accumulated in a tiny room without too much light.

Fundación Vallparaiso
Fundación Valparaiso 2016.

Everything was red. And the portraits also emerged, and some were known and others were not. From “Camarón de la Isla” they told me many things, and other children.

My first painting participated in a group exhibition to help the children of Ethiopia. Many trips to Madrid. I painted buildings with men and without them. I thought that this would be an endless path.
“Rojo Sobre Humano” was my first collection, but “Origen” started, and what happened during 9/11 in New York began to create a different way of painting. And the red was blue and the man merged with nature, and I started thinking that I could be a painter. I made some more exhibitions going through Miami and New York to always return to Murcia.

Today I continue the collection “Mutations” with a series of sculptural paintings, where the white light twists the pinocho paper. The judea bitumen appears and some crazy blue and green brushstrokes at the end.
But the colors disappear and there are only the primitive traces of the telluric, primitive power of the being that resuscitates life from the ancestral.

Emilio Vieites en el estudio de arte
Estudio de Arte en España.

About my work

My artwork manifests the loss of identity of human beings who survive in a society which has erased their origins in a space of commercial transactions. Society faces an era of changes and resets the system by means of human global manifestations.

Beyond multiculturalism, it is essential to claim for a space to survive with dignity and to recover the individual essence of human beings. We must go back to our origins in order to be our parents´ inheritance and our siblings ´ hope within this world, which gave us the opportunity to flourish. We owe our existence to the world”.

Emilio Vieites Aguiar EVA
Emilio Vieites Aguiar EVA. Arte abstracto en grises. Ojo de Dios 180 x 180.2017

“I like to create a space where human beings leave their mark, I embrace hope in man and always I hope for the best, I smile to life and death, and beyond we’ll see.

Eternity con Emilio Vieites
Eternity 180 x 180. Spain 2018
EVA Fundación Sabadell CAM
EVA. Fundacion Sabadell CAM

Premios, reconocimientos, becas:

Reconocimiento institucional Consejería de Cultura de Murcia. Exposición individual “Antología” Museo de Bellas Artes MUBAM. 2013

Socio de honor de la asociación Aspadem por sus talleres terapéuticos con personas psíquicas discapacitadas.2014

Beca integra por la Fundación Valparaíso. Mecenas Beatriz Becquet. 2016


Seleccionado por Lorenzo Belenguer, crítico de arte del Huffington Post, entre los mejores artistas emergentes de Europa. 2016

Numerosos talleres, exposiciones y actividades benéficas con Acnur, Caritas, Cruz roja, Proyecto Hombre, O.N.U , Unesco. 2009-2018, Fundacion FADE.

Reconocimiento público del presidente de la Unesco de Francia Yves López por su colaboración con los proyectos internaciones de apoyo educativo. 2016


Alfonso de la Torre refrenda su obra a nivel institucional. introducción y portada del libro “La Voz de tu pincel”, donde escribe sobre el autor la poeta María Teresa Cervantes, Alberto Chessa y Manuel Madrid.

Presidentes Unesco España y Francia

Ultimas exposiciones


Whitney Gallery, Curated by Pilar Cocero , New York. USA.


Times Square. “Asociación nacional americana de Niños Down”. New York. USA.

Marbart, Javier Roman Gallery. Marbella

Artexpo ,Curated by Pilar Cocero. Miami. USA


Artexpo, “Originis 11S”. New York. USA

Antología Emilio Vieites, curated by Juan González Sánchez,
Museum of Fine Arts Murcia (MUBAM), Murcia. Spain.


Retorno al Paraíso, Curated by Emilio Vieites, Ateneo de Madrid. Sala prado 19,Madrid. Download Catalog

2014 – 2015

Arte y un Café, curated by Juan Carlos Melero, Foundation Telefonica, Madrid.

God International Art Exhibition, Curated by Rekha sameer, LetArtWork

Gallery, Pune, India.


14Th October 2016-2017

Schoolarship in residence of Valparaiso Foundation. Beatriz Beckett.

Mojacar. Almeria.Spain

“Diálogos” con Lorenzo Belenguer.Galeria Incognito Nothing Hill, London. 25 Mayo.

Selected By Lorenzo Belenguer, critic of art Huffington Post, best artist of

south and east Europe for artbeep.com London. Uk.


Art gallery official representation: Mahlstedt gallery, New York.


Taller Proyecto Hombre.
Taller Fundación FADE.


Exposición Fundación CAM-Sabadell. Proyecto Hombre.
Taller de arteteraria Hospital Santa Lucia. Cartagena. Inauguración cuadro Génesis. Fundación FADE.

Edición del libro “La voz de tu pincel”. Homenaje de la poeta Maria Teresa Cervantes. Textos de Alfonso de la Torre, Alberto Chessa y Manuel Madrid.


Beca de Arte. Centro de Arte la Rectoría. Barcelona.

Publicación del libro Chamanes.


Taller de arte abstracto. Proyecto Hombre. Cuadro supernova.

Exposición colectiva Centro Cultural Federico García Lorca. Rivas VaciaMadid. Madrid

Diciembre. Publicación del libro “La Danza de los externarios”.

Textos de José Luis Zerón, Daniel Genaro Pérez Tárraga, Alberto Chessa y Patricia Navarro, que recorren la obra de Vieites estableciendo múltiples comparaciones, similitudes y puntos de fuga entre lo que vemos y lo que intuimos, reflexionando sobre aspectos de la pintura abstracta y el contexto social actual. El volumen incluye citas y textos de muy variada procedencia (de Luis García Montero a Alfred Mayer, pasando por Manolo Millares o Leopoldo María Panero) que aportan una luz muy especial a las imágenes de obras reproducidas en el texto. Ref Marius Domingo


12 Agosto. Amazon Kindle


Publicación del libro “El canto de los orates”.